Techinnova S.p.A. is pleased to announce its participation in the H2ERE Network event, the platform that connects research and industry around hydrogen development, scheduled for Friday, September 20, 2024, at 2:30 PM, at the Sala Falck of Assolombarda in Milan.


This event represents a strategic opportunity for Techinnova to present its flagship project, H2E – Hydrogen To Everyone. Led by Techinnova and funded by the Lombardy Region’s call for innovation in production processes, the project aims to produce green hydrogen from livestock effluents and aquaculture byproducts, supporting the decarbonization of the agriculture and fishing sectors. The goal is to establish a regional supply chain for the production, storage, and use of green hydrogen, following the principles of a circular economy.

Techinnova aims to use this occasion to connect with potential industrial partners, research centers, and institutions interested not only in collaborating to develop innovative and sustainable solutions in the hydrogen sector, but also in joining the supply chain ecosystem created under the H2E – Hydrogen To Everyone project. The H2ERE Network event offers a unique platform for dialogue, where new opportunities for co-development, technological partnerships, and strategic collaborations can be explored to accelerate the energy transition.


Organized by the Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster (LE2C), Assolombarda, and H2IT, the event will provide insights into the opportunities offered by the H2ERE Network platform. The program includes keynote addresses, presentations of innovative projects, interactive sessions, and networking opportunities, all designed to facilitate dialogue between companies and research centers in Lombardy.

The H2ERE Network is a free digital platform designed to foster connections between research laboratories and companies for the development of hydrogen-related solutions, promoting the growth of a collaborative ecosystem.