Techinnova’s collaboration project with its partner Informagiovani, the information desk of the Municipality of Milan designed to update young people on the main initiatives of companies or bodies in the area, continues.

On 3 March 2021 Techinnova organised a remote meeting with the students of the I.I.S. Marignoni – Polo and the students of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera. The thematic workshop, entitled “Self-entrepreneurship and Innovation: the key words to build a high-tech future”, resumed and deepened topics and concepts already partially covered in the previous meeting. In particular, through Power Point presentations and videos shared on the web platform, Clara Bernasco (Senior Researcher) and Riccardo Roggeri (CEO and Director of Techinnova) offered the young people considerable insights into the world of business, with specific attention to the field of innovation and its many fields of application.

Techinnova strongly believes in the project undertaken and in its potential developments: this awareness emerges not only from the desire to pass on to the new recruits the right entrepreneurial spirit to prepare them for the future in the best possible way, but also from the concrete objective of organising company internships in which students can gain laboratory experience or draft projects (regional, national and European) alongside our teams of researchers.